Whole30 (attempt) 2.0

Whole Prep

This has been more than my second attempt at a Whole30 reset. Instead, I am preparing more than I had in my last attempt(s) hence, "2.0". I've picked up Food Freedom Forever and nearly finished it while the kid watched a Harry Potter DVD.  It is relatively easy to read but it did leave me with a different motivation than I had before.

It reminded me that it isn't ALL about the food. It's about making lifestyle changes to pull back from the habits that trigger the unhealthy relationship to food. Really, it is about setting yourself up for success by understanding you will need these Whole30 "resets" because life happens and to not look at it as a failure but as growing into a setting-yourself-up-for-success mindset.

This Whole30 reset will be focused on not only eliminating foods that could be (and most likely are) culprits of my health conditions but to also create healthier non-food habits. Like not binge watching Netflix (no, I am not still watching).

I wholly intend to follow through with a slow reintroduction process following each reintroduction day with 2 restriction days. Each reintroduction day will be only with one type of food, not a compounding process.

Prepping the Pantry

Okay. So, I have been planning this since the 24th with the intent to start on the first. And truthfully, I have the mindset that I can't waste food so I have been trying to eat all of the unhealthy things instead of throwing them out. As I noticed this, I decided I will move them to the back of the pantry or freezer. Heck, I can even save this stuff for the kid or guests. It has been difficult to get out of the mindset, "I need to get this out of my house (by way of my gullet, apparently)!" 

Meal Planning THEN Shopping list

Last time I bought a ton of things that I read I might use or that sounded good when I got to the store but weren't on a list. This time I will be prepared! I have come up with possible meals for the first 4 days. These include stuff only I will like and stuff my kid will also like. Meal planning isn't only for the food but also for my budget. It is absurd how much food gets wasted in my home. Not only is that poor for the environment but that is a chunk out of my budget that could have been put towards better quality food or non food related activity.

I have collected all approved food and moved them to the front of my pantry and fridge. I am thanking myself for having on-hand:

  • avocado oil
  • dozen eggs
  • chicken sausage
  • olive oil + lemon salad dressing
  • yellow mustard
  • carrots
  • white potatoes
  • white onion
  • orange bell peppers (from the garden [...hopefully!])
  • tomatoes (from a neighbors garden)
  • broccoli
With all of these items I came up with a short grocery list. I am hoping to grocery shop more often to reduce waste I normally produce from over shopping. 

Shopping list:

  • ground beef
  • chicken
  • pork sausage
  • avocado
  • fresh baby spinach
  • banana
  • lime
  • fresh basil
  • garlic
  • black pepper
  • turmeric
  • ghee

Money, money, money, money—Money

I spent a total of $35.71 this shopping trip. I did use a rebate app called Ibotta (I get money if you sign up using this link) and got 1% ($0.36) cash back and found an "any item" offer to scan my receipt. $.25 back for that! All of this was purchased at my local grocery store. Unfortunately, there is not a health food store within a few miles of me. And if I do want to find sugar free bacon, I am going to have to travel for that. :/

Let's get started!

Wish me luck!

For those who don't feel inclined to worry about your health because you already make good choices: Good for you. No, really. Keep doing whatever you are doing. 

For everyone else: Enjoy the ride!


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