Concepts Loosely Defined

Sometimes my posts include weird words that just don't make sense or not very many people say. You may know what it is but more than likely you stumbled upon this post because you were like, "What the hey is that?!" Or, "That don't make no sense." 

So, here you go. A searchable dictionary of definitions created by this blog(ger). Keep checking back as it will be updated as I see fit.

Click the letter to jump to the word (or concept) you are looking for.

A   B   C   D

E   F   G   H

I    J   K   L

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Q   R    S   T

U   V   W   X

Y   Z



An exaggerated way of saying the way food passes from the mouth to the stomach which is technically the esophagus.



This sound can be made by blowing air through pursed mouth with relaxed lips. Making a sound due to the vibrations of the lips. Also described as, "Blowing raspberries."
