Whole30 (attempt) 2.19

Day 19

Paint night continued again in the morning after breakfast. It has been absolutely wonderful to whip out the paints and come up with something creative and not feel rushed because my child also loves it!

Meal Schedule


Coffee - Black + cinnamon


Ground Beef**
Sweet Potatoes**
Bell Peppers* **




*From the garden

We enjoyed dinner and movie living room style. I was excited to finally use some frozen okra but I have learned before that it's typically a hit and a miss when purchasing it frozen and that is why I usually avoid it. Too many times the okra ends up being overly ripe. If you have never had okra before, it is a type of pod that can become hard and inedible if it isn't harvested in time. This bag of okra had an unfortunate amount of them being difficult to chew. I have left overs and will eat the rest and try and remind myself not to buy them again. Something I will likely do when I have another craving.

< Day 18  | Day 20 >

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