Whole30 Approved Salvation

I can't cook. 

A big motivator for doing the Whole30 was to "re-learn" how to cook. Don't get me wrong, I can follow a recipe as well as the next person. It's the lack of motivation to come up with meal ideas, the search for the right groceries, dealing with the heat of the oven in the summer, (insert another excuse here).

Along with my limited (but increasing) motivation to cook, I was a bit nervous about me skipping meals when I am at work or out and about due to lack of options (and preparation). Fortunately, there are 2 Whole30 "approved" snacks: RxBar and Larabar that I have tried and would recommend. The true intent for these is to have them available when you you need nutrients but not as a dessert after your meal or to substitute your normal snacking.

I have only tried the Mint Chocolate RxBar and... my goodness! It tastes so much like a dessert I had to check and recheck to see if it was compliant. The extremely sticky and chewy texture is what makes them a turn-off for some people. I think it's a plus, so you can't just scarf them down in a few seconds. This is something I am going to have to keep reminding myself when I reach for these delicious packages of minty goodness - only have one (or half of one) if it's an emergency.

Having the RxBar first, I was less impressed with the Larabar but at less than half the price you can bet I stocked up!

I have test tasted a few Larabars and I definitely have my opinions. But first, I think it's important to note I am of the same family that thinks cilantro tastes like perfume. That being said, I am not at all a fan of the Cashew Cookie. Imagine walking into a leather goods store. You see this gorgeous leather jacket and as you walk up closer to try it on the familiar smell of leather fills your nose. You reach for the jacket and take a bite. That's what the Cashew Cookie Larabar tasted like. Maybe it was from a bad batch. I have 2 left and would gladly trade for the lemon ones I keep hearing about.

Moral of the story is if you want to spend 3 dollars on an emergency bar, go for RxBar. If you are more concerned about the price try the Larabar.

You get a 5 dollar discount and I get one too if you order your first ones with my link: http://rxbar.me/f7Ktj
