Whole30 (attempt) 2.31

Day 31

Wait a second! Whole30 is supposed to be 30 days... why are we on day 31?!

I thought the same thing when I started, too. And the first time I did Whole30 I ended completely on the 30th day and partied hard that weekend. Okay, maybe it was only half a beer and mostly all dessert foods but I still felt the hangover the next morning. 


The days following the reset should be slow reintroduction days not cheat days followed by more cheat days where you find yourself 7 months later realizing you really need another reset. Just me?

On day 31 (if you aren't continuing on, which is absolutely okay to do), add 1 (one) off-limits item to your meal(s). The following few days should be back to the reset. This should give you an understanding how that particular food affects you.

My personal reintroduction today will be sugar. I don't usually add sugar to my coffee unless I add flavored creamer (which usually has sugar) and I didn't want to start doing that now. So, I waited until I had a snack. And wouldn't you know—today is Halloween! I didn't plan that or anything (yes I did).

I gave my kid life, she gives me her Reese's... Isn't that how it goes?

Meal Schedule


Coffee - Black + cinnamon + almond milk

Beef Stew - Bell peppers* + onion + chile sauce**




Non compliant food.

*From the garden

I found it fairly difficult to add sugar without adding flour or dairy. So back to Whole30 tomorrow.


< Day 30
