100 Applications After Graduation: 1 week later

It's been a work week since deciding I wasn't going to spend any more time applying for another job and instead focusing on my business and family. I do still have my day job for another month but after that, I am totally on my own.

So far I have received 3 additional denial email (or "this job closed"), 1 interview, and an unexpected call from a talent agency that I had not updated my information with in over a year (who I love using but are difficult to find daycare for so last minute).

So... two days after my commitment to stop at 100 applications, I gave in and nearly applied for another job (it was still open in my browser). When a friend sent me the position I was overwhelmingly in a better mood. The job posting was written for me! And I began the process over...

I updated my cover letter and resume and uploaded them to the site. I filled out my name, address, phone number, and more detailed information - most of which was in my resume or cover letter. I hit the next button - filled out the education section; correcting the information that was parsed incorrectly. I hit the next button. Fill out more information that is already in my resume and cover letter - hit the next button. I added 3 references who might never be called - hit the next button... and stopped.

I had applied for this position before. Granted, it was a slightly different title and before I graduated but most of my information was the same. How many candidates get turned away because of this same process consuming process?

In all fairness I did complete the application - if only to see how far I get in the process this time around. This would be the second time applying for a position I had applied to before I received a degree.
