
Whole30 for the Third Time - Part 1

As I type this out I think about how it might be perceived by an outsider who has never done a Whole30:  "You're trying it for a third time? Did it fail before?" Yes but also, no. Yes it failed. But failed as in I let myself forget how helpful it is for both my mind and body. I'm currently finishing up day 15 and I feel great. I know I feel amazing when I do these Whole30 resets. And I've tried to talk myself into doing more these last 2 years but my focus as been elsewhere and I'm not mad about it. I'm glad I'm doing it now. What has made this one stick? This Whole30 coincided with the new year. I made a few level-up resolution. Focus on my 2 careers (I can't have just one in this economy) by hitting a minimum of hours worked, daily. Increase my savings through reducing my restaurant budget line and opting to cook at home. Complete a Whole30 including reintroduction by mid February.  If you notice, all of those resolutions are detailed than work h...

Keto Pumpkin Pie Muffins

 I found the original recipe on instagram: @myketokid1. She has a recipe that makes 2 so I tripled her recipe and tweaked it to fit my needs. Keto Pumpkin Pie Muffins makes 6 Ingredients 60g Cream 30g Erythritol 60g Cream Cheese 60g Almond Flour 1 Egg 1 T Pumpkin Puree 20g Kerrygold Butter 6g Vanilla Extract 2.1g Baking Powder 4g Pumpkin Pie Spice

Another Round of Whole30: week 1 + week 2

Straight off the bat: I didn't reach my step goal for week 1 nor for week 2. I didn't even reach half of my intended steps. Really, I didn't think it would be as difficult as it was to reach my step goal for both weeks. Week 3 goal is to definitely push past my lack of steps and get creative with finding ways to sneak in steps throughout the day. As for my grocery spending, during week 1 I spent approximately $232. That is way more than I intended the first week but did include bulk items such as fish, avocado oil, portions of avocado (clean guacamole, basically), and bacon from my Costco trip. Week 2 shopping was a bit more affordable, coming in at around $61. Nearly arriving at the halfway point and not anticipating any shopping happening until after then, I thought I was in good shape for my whole30 grocery spending this time around compared to whole30 2.0, last October but after reviewing my previous post it looks like $293 is about $23 dollars more than what I spen...

Excited for another round of Whole30

It's been long enough since I focused on nutritional eating. After my last successful whole30 I really focused on keto. That lasted for a good few months and I could feel the difference in my energy levels and concentration.  I fell off the wagon when I started a professional development program, early this year. This meant I had to cut my working hours significantly. And, since the program provided a spread of carb friendly foods, I felt financially responsible to change my eating habits to fit with the food offered.  Well, as the program came to a close, the COVID-19 business began emptying the store shelves. I continued to eat carb friendly stuff and even bought more when it just so happened to be the last item on the shelf. That included flour.  Yes, I was even one of those people to bake bread. I didn't prepare as much this time around but I had been making fairly good choices that I do have the basics to create some delicious meals. The effort I put i...

Mock Spaghetti

This recipe calls for spaghetti squash as a replacement for grains and is Whole30 friendly and ( my ) kid approved! Prep the spaghetti squash —this takes about 45 min—1 hour. Begin browning ground beef over medium heat. Before the beef completely browns, add compliant marinara.  Simmer on a lower heat until the beef reaches about 160F

Whole30 (attempt) 2.31

Day 31 Wait a second! Whole30 is supposed to be 30 days... why are we on day 31?! I thought the same thing when I started, too. And the first time I did Whole30 I ended completely on the 30th day and partied hard that weekend. Okay, maybe it was only half a beer and mostly all dessert foods but I still felt the hangover the next morning.  Reintroduction The days following the reset should be slow reintroduction days not cheat days followed by more cheat days where you find yourself 7 months later realizing you really need another reset. Just me? On day 31 (if you aren't continuing on, which is absolutely okay to do), add 1 (one) off-limits item to your meal(s). The following few days should be back to the reset. This should give you an understanding how that particular food affects you. My personal reintroduction today will be sugar. I don't usually add sugar to my coffee unless I add flavored creamer (which usually has sugar) and I didn't want to star...

Whole30 (attempt) 2.30

Day 30 Today is technically the last day of Whole30! I'm mostly curious, now that I don't have this Whole30 title to fall under, what will be my nutrition style? Of course I am going to still do a reintroduction period to see how different food seem to make me feel.  Meal Schedule Brunch Coffee - Black + cinnamon Beef Stew - Bell peppers + onion + chile sauce** Snack Nut Butter Dinner Mock Spaghetti Squash *From the garden **Leftovers Groceries < Day 29 Follow Attempting a Whole Life